Giuseppe Greco, classe '79, napoletano, il suo approccio alla fotografia inizia a 6 anni. Successivamente matura questa passione grazie anche agli studi in Architettura.
Attualmente collabora con diverse agenzie italiane ed estere; GETTY IMAGES, SIMEPHOTO e CUBO IMAGES.
Sono stati pubblicati suoi scatti in diverse riviste italiane specializzate nel settore dei viaggi e fotografia di interni come: Bell'Italia, Tu Style, Io Donna, Donna Moderna, Yacht & Sail, Atmosfere d'Italia.
É senza dubbio uno dei nostri fotografi italiani preferiti e non ci siamo fatti scappare l’opportunità di fargli qualche domanda sul suo lavoro e sui prossimi progetti che lo vedranno protagonista. Ecco cosa ci ha raccontato.
- Che cos'è per te la fotografia.
Per me la fotografia e' raccontare attraverso immagini storie,emozioni,passioni.La fotografia credo che semplicemente sia un racconto della realta' che ci circonda,e chi sa fotografare,sa dire,parlare attraverso un 'immagine.
- Qual è stato il primo corpo macchina utilizzato e l'attuale.
Il primo corpo macchina usato e' stata una 400d Canon, attualmente lavoro con una Canon Eos 5d ed una 5d Mark II.
- Quali ritieni siano i principali elementi della
tua ricerca, del tuo stile.
I principali elementi dei miei lavori sono il paesaggio in chiave onirica e
minimalistica e le geometrie che ricerco assiduamente nei miei lavori.
Credo che con le immagini si deve cercare di raccontare e rappresentare
tutto ciò che ci circonda con uno stile che sia riconoscibile e attragga
l'attenzione di chi guarda. Accetto sempre con autocritica un giudizio negativo in quanto ritengo che dai
pareri negativi si debba partire per migliorarsi sempre.
allestimenti delle tue mostre ti rivolgi spesso anche ad altri professionisti :
un bravo fotografo, dunque, è anche capace di lavorare in équipe?
Per quanto
concerne una mostra o un allestimento cerco di curare per quanto possibile
tutti gli aspetti,ma a volte mi e' capitato di rivolgermi anche ad altre
professionalità per degli aspetti specifici; in ogni caso credo che in questo caso possa essere appropriato
un lavoro di equipe.
- Cosa
pensi del momento attuale della fotografia? Da una parte, sembra conquistare
sempre più spazi di visibilità, le mostre, attirano migliaia di visitatori.
Dall'altra, si fa la solita fatica nel lavoro quotidiano: le immagini guidano
spesso le scelte delle riviste, ma i budget, dicono, sono quelli che sono. Tu
cosa pensi.
Il momento che stiamo vivendo per quanto concerne la fotografia e' molto complicato,e questo naturalmente non sono io a dirlo,tutti ormai possono accedere facilmente alla fotografia,e questo in realta' credo sia positivo,ma troppo spesso ormai si vedono troppi fotografi e poche fotografie.
Bisognerebbe che ci sia maggiore autocritica e piu' richiesta di professionalità anche da parte dei fruitori.
- Poi c'è la committenza privata o pubblica. Qual è la tua esperienza.
Riallacciandomi al discorso di prima dico che la committenza potrebbe far cambiare la storia,ma purtroppo non e' così.
Spesso e volentieri si cerca di speculare su giovani inesperti e poco professionali svilendo purtroppo la professione.
- A
quale gruppo o generazione di fotografi, se ce n'è uno/a, pensi di appartenere.
Riconosci qualche maestro, qualche modello di riferimento?
Non credo di
poter dare una definizione di gruppo o generazione di fotografia cui
appartengo,ma come riferimenti da citare credo ci siano Steve McCurry che
ritengo il migliore fotografo in senso assoluto,George Steinmetz per le sue
immagini aeree.
- Quanto è importante per te la tecnica.
La tecnica, non credo sia indispensabile per poter raccontare e quindi fotografare, anche se tutto e' cambiato col digitale, come nella realta', tutto va in modo piu' veloce e tutto si racconta probabilmente in modo diverso.
Credo che un buon mix di sensibilita' e tecnica sia l'optimum.
- Quanto è importante per te la tecnica.
La tecnica, non credo sia indispensabile per poter raccontare e quindi fotografare, anche se tutto e' cambiato col digitale, come nella realta', tutto va in modo piu' veloce e tutto si racconta probabilmente in modo diverso.
Credo che un buon mix di sensibilita' e tecnica sia l'optimum.
- Prediligi
il bianco e nero, ma usi anche il colore...o viceversa?
Nei miei lavori prediligo decisamente “il colore”, ma non disdegno di usare
il bianco e nero qualche volta, dipende dal lavoro.
- Tra
i tuoi lavori, quale ti piace citare in particolare.
In particolare tra i lavori che preferisco di sicuro ci sono come gia' ho accennato in precedenza, quelli di paesaggio e nello specifico una serie di lavori sul mare d'inverno.
In particolare tra i lavori che preferisco di sicuro ci sono come gia' ho accennato in precedenza, quelli di paesaggio e nello specifico una serie di lavori sul mare d'inverno.
- Utilizzi
solo le potenzialità del digitale o usi anche la pellicola?
Prediligo per il mio lavoro il digitale e uso anche polaroid. No, pellicola non ho ancora avuto approcci. ho da subito approcciato con una digitale...
Prediligo per il mio lavoro il digitale e uso anche polaroid. No, pellicola non ho ancora avuto approcci. ho da subito approcciato con una digitale...
- A cosa stai lavorando adesso.
Giuseppe Greco, born in '79, Naples, his approach to photography began six years, mature in the years this passion thanks to studies in Architecture.
He currently works with several Italian and foreign agencies; GETTY IMAGES, SIMEPHOTO and CUBE IMAGES.
His photos have been published in several Italian magazines specializing in travel and photography of interiors as: Bell'Italia Tu Style, Io Donna, Donna Moderna, Yacht & Sail, atmosphere of Italy.
It is without a doubt one of our favorite Italian photographers and we did not miss the opportunity to ask him some questions about his work and upcoming projects that will see the protagonist. Here's what he told us.
- What is photography to you.
For me, photography and 'tell stories through images, emotions, passioni.La photography I think is simply a story of reality' that surrounds us, and who knows photograph, tell, speak through an 'image.
- What was the first camera body used and the current.
The first body and used car 'was a Canon 400d, currently working with a Canon Eos 5D and a 5D Mark II.
- What do you think are the main elements of your research, your style.
The main elements of my work are the dream-like landscape and minimalist geometry and that I seek in my work diligently.
I believe that with the images you must try to tell and represent everything that surrounds us with a style that is recognizable and attracts the attention of the beholder. Always accept self-criticism with a negative opinion because I believe that the negative opinions should start to keep improving.
Over-fitting of your exhibitions often do you turn to other professionals: a good photographer, then, is also able to work in a team?
With regard to an exhibition or a preparation as far as possible I try to treat all aspects, but sometimes I 'happened to turn to other professionals for specific aspects, but in any case I think in this case it might be appropriate to work team.
- What do you think of the moment of photography? On the one hand, it seems increasingly gain visibility spaces, exhibitions, attracting thousands of visitors. Second, it makes the usual fatigue in daily work: images often drive the choices of magazines, but the budget, they say, are those that are. What do you think.
The moment we are experiencing with regard to photography and 'very complicated, and this of course is not the one to say, we all now have easy access to photography, and that in reality' I think it's good, but too often now seen too many photographers and few photographs.
That there should be more self-critical and more 'demand for professionalism on the part of users.
- Then there is the private clients or public. What is your experience.
Following on from earlier remarks saying that the client could change history, but unfortunately it is not 'so.
Often we try to speculate on young, inexperienced and unprofessional unfortunately debasing the profession.
- Which group or generation of photographers, if there is one / a, you think you belong. Recognize some teacher, some pattern?
I do not think you can give a definition of a group or generation of photography which I belong, but as I think there are references to quote Steve McCurry which I consider the best photographer in the absolute sense, George Steinmetz for his aerial images.
- How important is it for you the technique.
The technique, I do not think it is essential to be able to tell and then photographed, even if everything 'changed with digital, as in reality', everything goes in a more 'quick and all is said probably in a different way.
I think a good mix of sensitivity 'and technology is the optimum.
- Like best black and white, but also uses the color ... or vice versa?
In my work I definitely prefer the "color", but I also like to use the black and white sometimes, depends on the job.
- Among your work, which you would like to mention in particular.
In particular, among the works that I prefer for sure as there are already 'I mentioned earlier, those of landscape and specifically a series of works on the winter sea.
- Use only the potential of digital or even use the film?
I prefer for my work and use the digital polaroid. No, I have not had film approaches. I immediately approached with a digital ...
- What are you working on now.
During this time I am planning an exhibition lighthouse 'in the winter on my island (Ischia) and a draft landscape photos with polaroid.
Giuseppe Greco, born in '79, Naples, his approach to photography began six years, mature in the years this passion thanks to studies in Architecture.
He currently works with several Italian and foreign agencies; GETTY IMAGES, SIMEPHOTO and CUBE IMAGES.
His photos have been published in several Italian magazines specializing in travel and photography of interiors as: Bell'Italia Tu Style, Io Donna, Donna Moderna, Yacht & Sail, atmosphere of Italy.
It is without a doubt one of our favorite Italian photographers and we did not miss the opportunity to ask him some questions about his work and upcoming projects that will see the protagonist. Here's what he told us.
- What is photography to you.
For me, photography and 'tell stories through images, emotions, passioni.La photography I think is simply a story of reality' that surrounds us, and who knows photograph, tell, speak through an 'image.
- What was the first camera body used and the current.
The first body and used car 'was a Canon 400d, currently working with a Canon Eos 5D and a 5D Mark II.
- What do you think are the main elements of your research, your style.
The main elements of my work are the dream-like landscape and minimalist geometry and that I seek in my work diligently.
I believe that with the images you must try to tell and represent everything that surrounds us with a style that is recognizable and attracts the attention of the beholder. Always accept self-criticism with a negative opinion because I believe that the negative opinions should start to keep improving.
Over-fitting of your exhibitions often do you turn to other professionals: a good photographer, then, is also able to work in a team?
With regard to an exhibition or a preparation as far as possible I try to treat all aspects, but sometimes I 'happened to turn to other professionals for specific aspects, but in any case I think in this case it might be appropriate to work team.
- What do you think of the moment of photography? On the one hand, it seems increasingly gain visibility spaces, exhibitions, attracting thousands of visitors. Second, it makes the usual fatigue in daily work: images often drive the choices of magazines, but the budget, they say, are those that are. What do you think.
The moment we are experiencing with regard to photography and 'very complicated, and this of course is not the one to say, we all now have easy access to photography, and that in reality' I think it's good, but too often now seen too many photographers and few photographs.
That there should be more self-critical and more 'demand for professionalism on the part of users.
- Then there is the private clients or public. What is your experience.
Following on from earlier remarks saying that the client could change history, but unfortunately it is not 'so.
Often we try to speculate on young, inexperienced and unprofessional unfortunately debasing the profession.
- Which group or generation of photographers, if there is one / a, you think you belong. Recognize some teacher, some pattern?
I do not think you can give a definition of a group or generation of photography which I belong, but as I think there are references to quote Steve McCurry which I consider the best photographer in the absolute sense, George Steinmetz for his aerial images.
- How important is it for you the technique.
The technique, I do not think it is essential to be able to tell and then photographed, even if everything 'changed with digital, as in reality', everything goes in a more 'quick and all is said probably in a different way.
I think a good mix of sensitivity 'and technology is the optimum.
- Like best black and white, but also uses the color ... or vice versa?
In my work I definitely prefer the "color", but I also like to use the black and white sometimes, depends on the job.
- Among your work, which you would like to mention in particular.
In particular, among the works that I prefer for sure as there are already 'I mentioned earlier, those of landscape and specifically a series of works on the winter sea.
- Use only the potential of digital or even use the film?
I prefer for my work and use the digital polaroid. No, I have not had film approaches. I immediately approached with a digital ...
- What are you working on now.
During this time I am planning an exhibition lighthouse 'in the winter on my island (Ischia) and a draft landscape photos with polaroid.
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