text: Angela Acanfora
Oggi vi presentiamo, Amanda Marzolini una ragazza giovane e creativa, che nasce a Parma negli anni ’80, e trascorre il primo periodo della
vita tra Bardi e Parma. Dal 2009, inizia le trasferte di lavoro che la portano a vivere ain diverse parti dell'Europa: Lisbona, Taba, Ibiza, Mykonos. Ha lavorato in settori
differenti oltre la moda, come la vendita e il turismo. Si è diplomata col
massimo dei voti presso un istituto professionale indirizzo moda, ma non ha mai
intrapreso l’ università, limitandosi a corsi di approfondimento.
fermamente nella necessità di essere autodidatta, per questo non ha mai smesso
di studiare per conto suo, leggendo, sperimentando e approcciandosi a diverse
culture e affacciandosi al mondo del web. Ama molto le lingue straniere, la
fotografia, i film di Totò e Chaplin e i libri sulle fiabe.
MODA per Amanda
significa collezionare immagini e fare illustrazioni, crearsi da sola i vestiti
e scegliere il resto solo se le mode la rispecchiano.
Nel 2009 apre il suo blog "Fashionamy", e lo rende pubblico nel 2012, dedicandolo alla sua dolce cagnetta Thais. Il blog nasce dopo un accurato brainstorming con gli amici di allora a Lisbona, per condividere le sue opinioni, il suo lavoro, le sue esperienze di vita, proponendo nuovi brand,
ignorando volontariamente quasi del tutto i meccanismi dei blog italiani ed anticipando le tendenze, celebra il lifestyle che da anni si è integrato con le attività freelance di Amanda, diventando un vero proprio lavoro e riuscendo ad entrare nella classifica di Les Cahiers . E’ conosciuta come “blogger
animalista” per le scelte dichiarate a favore delle fakefur, nella sua linea
editoriale. Ha avuto la fortuna di creare nel 2012 la sua prima capsule
collection di Tshirt, e intende proseguire la strada del fashion system.
Che cos'è per te la Moda?
La moda è stata la mia materia di studio, poi
diventata lavoro, mi piace la creatività anche a prezzi bassi ;) indosso spesso
i colori e mi lascio ispirare da tutto anche dalle favole. Mi piacciono
moltissimo i nuovi brand low cost di tutto il mondo, ma non disdegno le grandi griffe,
pur non osannando tutto ciò che propongono.
- Come nasce
il progetto Fashionamy?
Nasce nel 2009 a Lisbona, da un discorso tra
amici, come idea di condivisione e racconto di esperienza. Purtroppo rimane quasi
inattivo per 2 anni, ma nel 2012 decido di attivarlo regolarmente come un blog di
moda e lifestyle, con outfit personali, post di cool hunting , sperimentazioni
, beauty review e collaborazioni di ogni genere. Nel 2012
ho dedicato il blog a Thais la mia cucciola scomparsa prematuramente nel 2011.
L'importanza per te, della figura delle fashion blogger, nel far circolare le notizie.
E' fondamentale ! Le blogger possono far
girare notizie che rimarrebbero altrimenti senza rilevanza sul web, in modo molto celere, facendo conoscere nuovi brand, interpretandoli, proponendo iniziative! L' importante è
divertirsi e impegnarsi contemporaneamente nel farlo , con il doppio ruolo di
"poser/ reporter”.
- Oggi le
fashion blogger italiane sono tra le più famose e seguite, opinioni in merito.
Chi viene riconosciuta come star del web e
del jet set, lo merita, c’è chi lavora senza sosta e col sorriso , mi piace
molto l’ entusiasmo di Chiara Ferragni, tra quelle super famose. Non è necessariamente una questione di moda ma
anche di energia. Ritengo che alcune ragazze che si definiscono fashion-blogger, lo facciano, magari solo perchè annoiate,e magari sono fortunate, per la loro posizione geografica ( Milano ) lo staff che le segue e l’esibizione di
griffe costosissime, senza per altro avere l’ allegria e la bellezza e lo stile. I vestiti costosi non sono nulla senza il carattere!
- Quanto
conta impersonificarsi con il proprio blog, e dunque con il proprio lavoro,
vestendo i
panni di modella per fare fashion information?
Tantissimo! mi piace mettermi in gioco con
i look personali, devo personalizzare ogni cosa che faccio o indosso e questo
mi fa evolvere. Tengo anche a quello che scrivo ( poco o tanto che sia ) Accompagnare i post con foto personali però
espone forse più' alle critiche rispetto che raccontarsi solo a parole…o con
immagini di altri blog. Fare la “poser / reporter” non è facile come sembra ;)
- Progetti
Tanti, alcuni top secret ( non dire gatto
finché non ce l'hai nel sacco sono superstiziosissima ) hanno a che vedere con
il doppio scopo del blog, comunicazione e creatività e la mia formazione come
stilista. Vorrei realizzare unacollezione tutta mia ( felpe, gonne e shorts) e
una collezione di borse e scarpe in ecopelle. Ci sono ancora un mare di sogni
da realizzare come blogger ;) e come persona :) e voglio riuscirci
-"Ringrazio On Magazine, per l'intervista e lo spazio dedicato
Un caro saluto ai suoi lettori."
Amanda Marzolini
"Se anche voi siete interessati ad essere intervistati da OnMagazine,
inviateci una mail a: onmagazine@ymail.com "
- What is the fashion for you ?
Fashion has been my field of study, then become work, I like the creativity even at low prices ;) I often wear the colors and I am inspired by everything from fairy tales too . I really like the new low cost brand around the world , but I also like the big brands , while not praising everything they propose.
- How did the project Fashionamy ?
Born in 2009 in Lisbon, with a conversation between friends, as the idea of sharing and storytelling experience . Unfortunately, it remains idle for almost two years , but in 2012 I decided to turn it regularly as a fashion and lifestyle blog , with outfits personal post of cool hunting , experimentation , beauty reviews and collaborations of all kinds. In 2012 I dedicated my blog to Thais puppy died prematurely in 2011.
- The importance of the figure of the fashion blogger , circulate in the news.
It ' very important! The blogger can run reports that would otherwise remain without relevance on the web, very fast , introducing new brands , interpreting , proposing initiatives ! 'S important is to have fun and at the same time engage in doing so , with the dual role of " poser / reporter ."
- Today, the Italian fashion bloggers are among the most famous and followed , about opinions .
Who is recognized as a star of the web and the jet set, he deserves it, there are those who worked tirelessly and with a smile , I really like the ' enthusiasm of Chiara Ferragni , including those super famous . It is not necessarily a matter of fashion but also energy . I think that some girls who call themselves fashion- bloggers, they do , maybe just because it bored , and maybe I'm lucky , because of their geographical location (Milan ) staff that follows the exhibition of designer labels and expensive , without however having the ' joy and beauty and style . The expensive clothes are nothing without the character!
- How important impersonificarsi with your blog, and then with their work,
wearing the clothes to make fashion modeling information ?
A lot! I like to play around with the look personally , I have to customize everything I do or wear and that makes me evolve. I would also like to what I write ( little or much that is) Accompany the post with personal photos , however, exposes perhaps more ' to criticism than that tell just words ... or pictures of other blogs. Making the " poser / reporter " is not as easy as it seems ;)
- Future projects?
Many projects!! Many of these are top secret (do not say cat until you've got it in the bag are! ).
I have to do with the dual purpose of the blog , communication and creativity and my training as a designer . I would like to accomplish throughout my unacollezione ( sweaters, skirts and shorts) and a collection of handbags and shoes in leather. There are still a lot of dreams to fulfill ;) as a blogger and as a person and I want to do it :)
- "I thank On Magazine, for the interview and the space devoted
A warm greeting to his readers. "
Amanda Marzolini
Today we meet Amanda Marzolini: She was born in Parma in the '80s, she spends the first period of life between Bardi and Parma. Since 2009 . She travels so much in all Europe: Lisbon, Taba , Ibiza , Mykonos and she has worked in different fields beyond fashion, such as sales and tourism. She graduated with honors from a professional institute address fashion , but has never taken the ' university , merely in-depth courses.
She firmly believes in the need to be self-taught , for this has never stopped studying on his own, reading , experimenting and approcciandosi to different cultures and, looking to the world of the web. She loves foreign languages , photography, film Toto and Chaplin and books on fairy tales .
FASHION Amanda means to collect pictures and make illustrations , created her own clothes , and then only if the rest of the content mode .
In 2009 she opened his own blog " Fashionamy " , and make it public in 2012, dedicating it to his sweet little dog Thais . The blog was created after a thorough brainstorming with friends then to Lisbon , to share his opinions , his work , his life experiences , proposing new brand, voluntarily ignoring almost completely the mechanisms of Italian blogs and anticipating trends , celebrates the lifestyle that for years has been integrated with the activities of freelance Amanda , becoming a real proper job and being able to enter the ranks of Les Cahiers . And she knows as a " bloggers animal " for the choices declared in favor of fakefur , in its editorial line . He had the good fortune to create in 2012 his first capsule collection tshirt, and intends to continue along the path of the fashion system .
Fashion has been my field of study, then become work, I like the creativity even at low prices ;) I often wear the colors and I am inspired by everything from fairy tales too . I really like the new low cost brand around the world , but I also like the big brands , while not praising everything they propose.
- How did the project Fashionamy ?
Born in 2009 in Lisbon, with a conversation between friends, as the idea of sharing and storytelling experience . Unfortunately, it remains idle for almost two years , but in 2012 I decided to turn it regularly as a fashion and lifestyle blog , with outfits personal post of cool hunting , experimentation , beauty reviews and collaborations of all kinds. In 2012 I dedicated my blog to Thais puppy died prematurely in 2011.
- The importance of the figure of the fashion blogger , circulate in the news.
It ' very important! The blogger can run reports that would otherwise remain without relevance on the web, very fast , introducing new brands , interpreting , proposing initiatives ! 'S important is to have fun and at the same time engage in doing so , with the dual role of " poser / reporter ."
- Today, the Italian fashion bloggers are among the most famous and followed , about opinions .
Who is recognized as a star of the web and the jet set, he deserves it, there are those who worked tirelessly and with a smile , I really like the ' enthusiasm of Chiara Ferragni , including those super famous . It is not necessarily a matter of fashion but also energy . I think that some girls who call themselves fashion- bloggers, they do , maybe just because it bored , and maybe I'm lucky , because of their geographical location (Milan ) staff that follows the exhibition of designer labels and expensive , without however having the ' joy and beauty and style . The expensive clothes are nothing without the character!
- How important impersonificarsi with your blog, and then with their work,
wearing the clothes to make fashion modeling information ?
A lot! I like to play around with the look personally , I have to customize everything I do or wear and that makes me evolve. I would also like to what I write ( little or much that is) Accompany the post with personal photos , however, exposes perhaps more ' to criticism than that tell just words ... or pictures of other blogs. Making the " poser / reporter " is not as easy as it seems ;)
- Future projects?
Many projects!! Many of these are top secret (do not say cat until you've got it in the bag are! ).
I have to do with the dual purpose of the blog , communication and creativity and my training as a designer . I would like to accomplish throughout my unacollezione ( sweaters, skirts and shorts) and a collection of handbags and shoes in leather. There are still a lot of dreams to fulfill ;) as a blogger and as a person and I want to do it :)
- "I thank On Magazine, for the interview and the space devoted
A warm greeting to his readers. "
Amanda Marzolini
"If you too are interested to be interviewed by OnMagazine,
send an email to: onmagazine@ymail.com "
ciao Redazione !!! grazie mille!!!! bel risultato !!!!
RispondiEliminaa presto !!! Amy